
Blogging communities as beautiful as they are, are full of members you haven’t met. Here at Blogger’s World we are all about engaging and encouraging new and old members of the community. As the kind of new but still old  member, I one day decided to go through all the members of this community and I am astounded to have not found some of them early on. Which made me wonder, some people are missing out on some really interesting blogs and vice versa. So here is an idea of featuring bloggers of the community, like we do a feature about authors who made history, this is about bloggers who make this community.

Today’s feature is Ellie from Welshshortbread

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The Seven Pillars of Wisdom: A Book with no Equal

“This therefore is a faded dream of the time when I went down into the dust and noise of the Eastern market-places, and with my brain and muscles, with sweat and constant thinking, made others see my visions coming true” (Lawrence, 1922, p. 10).

The above words have haunted me for at least the past five years. When I first read them in the introduction to the Seven Pillars of Wisdom: a Triumph by T. E. Lawrence, I knew I had struck literary gold: I could feel it in my body. I could not have been more right.

The Seven Pillars of Wisdom is T. E. Lawrence’s (AKA Lawrence of Arabia) magnum opus, and one that “ranks with the greatest books ever written in the English language;” according to Winston Churchill. It is Lawrence’s account of his experiences during the Arab Revolt of 1916-18; a conflict which played a large role in making the Middle East what it is today.

But the Seven Pillars of Wisdom is more than just a memoir: it is a masterpiece. No, it is an experience. Lawrence’s words are imbued with so much power, so much emotion, that many times the sheer beauty of his writing has brought me to the edge of tears. This is not a book that was ever intended to make money (Lawrence himself refused to profit off of it), it was meant to be an extension of the author’s soul. And it is. When I first read The Seven Pillars, I felt as if I was talking with Lawrence himself; so clearly does his essence show through his writing.

The Seven Pillars of Wisdom has personal significance for me as well. I first experienced it during a down period in my life. Like many people in their early 20s, I felt lost and confused. The overwhelming beauty of Lawrence’s writing broke me out of my self-absorption and forced me to focus on it, and the adventure at the heart of this tale made me yearn for adventures of my own. The Seven Pillars also made me more interested in one of the most heavily stereotyped regions of the world: the Middle East.

Apart from being a literary masterpiece, the Seven Pillars of Wisdom describes the geography of Arabia and the customs of its inhabitants at the dawn of the 20th Century in great detail. Lawrence was uniquely able to describe the minute details of the desert landscape in the most captivating of ways. His love of the Bedouin is also contagious, and his writing opened my eyes to how rich Middle Eastern history really is. It is now one of my goals to explore this critical region when the political situation calms down.

To summarize, the Seven Pillars of Wisdom is like no other book. It is at once a historical thriller, a window into the world of the Bedouin, a natural history chronicle, and an exquisite literary masterpiece. This book has literally changed people’s lives, and it has the potential to do the same for you. All you have to do is read it, and allow it to inspire you to dream. For in the words of T. E. Lawrence:

“Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that all was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, and make it possible” (1922, p. 10).

#guestfeature #feedback


Madhubani- Indian folk art

This is my first post here and I have the same feelings just when I was writing first post for my blog. This time again I’m finding myself out of words as I know that this post will be read by so many wonderful writers of this forum.  However, I’m trying my best and I hope my words do make some sense. 🙂

I was wondering what should I write about, and then thought why not write about something I like doing the most – Madhubani painting. Here I will be briefing little bit about this intricate folk art from Bihar in India. I’m not an expert talking on this topic but my inclination towards this art has given me some knowledge about this art.

How this art got its name?

Madhubani is a district of North Bihar and people here have great skills in art and craft – particularly Madubani painting. Since this art originated from this place hence the name Madhubani.

It’s also believed that this art form existed from the time of Ramayan.  It’s believed that ruler of Mithila king Janak commissioned for this art on his daughter Sita’s wedding with Ram. Due its place of origin, it’s also called Mithila art.

Characteristics of Madhubani:

  • Double line border with repeated floral patterns.
  • Use of bold and bright colors, colors can be natural or artificial.
  • No space is left blank (every inch is filled with minute detailing).


  • Large figures with oversize eyes and pointed nose.

Motifs and their meanings:

Madhubani painting is close to religion and mythology and a painting depicting Hindu God and Goddess is very common. Also, auspicious symbols associated with Hindu mythology can be widely seen (like swastika and flowers).

Among flowers, lotus is most widely used. Each motif has a significance attached to it. For example, fish is associated with fertility and holiness, peacock symbolizes love and romance. Lord Krishna and peacock go hand in hand in any Madhubani painting.

Madhubani over the period of time:

Madhubani art has evolved and variation can be seen in traditional style of painting. Over the period of time various artist have developed their style in Madhubani painting and made it their signature style.

Modern Madhubani artists are no more limiting themselves to just natural colors. Instead, they are moving towards easily available colors. They are blending modern sensibilities to make painting more aesthetic.


Earlier, it was limited to only wall art. Then it moved to handmade paper. Now, one can see Madhubani painting on any surface where painting can be done (like – silk saris, jute bags, files and folders, coffee mugs etc.). This art is loved by people all over the world and their love for this art is making it popular globally.

Here I’m sharing one of my painting ready to be framed. If you are interested in knowing more about Madhubani Painting read what is Madhubani painting.



There Is A Strain In My Relationship Between The Internet and Me

Once upon a time, before I worked six days a week without having much time to screw around, where I would be on the Internet rather often. I was connected with the real world and the Internet world. I spent time with friends and always had a bit of time to spend with my boyfriend/fiancé/bear butt (at the time). I worked with my friends, too. I mean, I still do, but it was just one set of clients, and we spent at least eight hours together. We were family. I had all my sisters and me. The world was balanced. The office workers at my other companies generally left me alone to do my job and exist. Sure, we would have a professional relationship where we would do what we could to help our clientele, but it wasn’t as awkward as it is now.

When I say work takes over my life, I mean it. I don’t mind work taking over my life for the most part. I have great clients and enjoy spending time with them. I enjoy trolling the office workers with my corny jokes every time I see them/do business with them. Heck, I have thought about inviting the whole office over for cocktail parties while screwing professionalism. But this unfortunately leaves me with very little time to spend with my fiancé/bear butt or talk with my friends as much as I used to. You know what else it leaves little time to do? BE ON THE INTERNET. Yep. I am rarely on. I play a few games of Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft (which is increasingly losing its appeal) and then troll Bizarrepedia. I occasionally go on twitter, but that’s rare. Point is, my ever-changing revolving DOOR work schedule is why I never write that much anymore.

I recognize there is a strain between the Internet and me, and I’m sorry. I miss everyone, even Rashmi and her beautiful self. Her name is the only one I can spell properly. Wait, I can spell Anand, too, but Rashmi is awesome. Wandering Soul, you’re a beautiful young lady who writes better in English than most English professors, but your name is really hard for me to pronounce and spell properly. I know it starts with a P and ends with an I, but what is inbetween is a mystery.

By the way, my real name is Sayre. Xara is my edgy, angry, and inadvertently amusing pen name and alter ego. They’re both equally difficult to pronounce, so Sarah works, too.

Xara Nahara O’Connor


Guest Post: 4 a.m.


So, I am conversing with Mother Nature before going to bed at midnight U.S. Eastern Time (Ugh. I know. I’m a damn American. Sorry. Don’t worry. I don’t agree with ANY of the shit this country is doing. That is for the OTHER guest post coming up. Nominate my ass please.), ANNNND I am checking texts, E-mails, whatever. I am talking to my friend, Deb (well, looks like Reblog Time. I don’t have time to explain this shit otherwise), and as I write down my response to her, I am thinking…. FUUUUUUCK! The world is going to end if I do not entertain this community today. I actually DID almost forget to exist today. I hate Mondays, soooooo I had totally forgotten about writing very much. I was too worried about how the hell my day is going to go once I wake up, again. Yeah, my sleep schedule is fucked. Don’t ask. The fact that I function in society is a great blessing. Let’s move on. Continue reading



Does this mom get a bit carried away with her idioms?  Have fun with this “idiomatic” mom.

Dear Son, my own flesh and blood:

To see you would be a sight for sore eyes.  You are the heart of my heart.

So you have a gut feeling your boss is about to give you a kick in the teeth? He didn’t like it when you were caught red handed, then had a slip of the tongue and called him a pain in the neck?  That put his nose out of joint, you say?

If he’s giving you a cold shoulder and you are not seeing eye to eye, you might not get the promotion you’ve had your eyes on.  Just keep your nose to the grindstone, your shoulder to the wheel, keep a stiff upper lip, stay on your toes, and keep your fingers crossed.  It certainly won’t help to put your foot in your mouth,  get cold feet or say something that gets you in over your head. Maybe he is just pulling your leg.  If you keep your eyes open, your chin up, offer to lend him a hand,  and work your fingers to the bone you might keep the job by the skin of your teeth if you’re not weak-kneed, rubber-spined or thick-headed.

Have you had your head in the clouds and do you wear your heart on your sleeve or have you been crying your heart out?  A good rule of thumb is to wash your hands of your pride, beg his mercy, pat yourself on the back, hide out in your neck of the woods, let your hair down, and play it by ear.  But be prepared for your blood to boil if he chooses to just step over your dead body.

I just wanted to speak my mind and get this off my chest.  My lips are sealed, and I’m here to help you face the music.  You’re my heart’s delight.  I’ve loved you warts and all since you were wet behind the ears.  I’d give an arm and leg for you. Now have a cookie for your sweet tooth, take the weight off your shoulders, relax and keep your head above the water.

Meanwhile, hang on to that job with all four feet, grow some hair on your chest, get some iron in your blood, and grow nerves of steel, come to your senses, dig your heels in, and use some elbow grease, ‘cause – make no bones about it –  you can’t bring your lazy carcass to my couch, feed your face at my table, and spin your hard luck stories in my ears.  I’ll not let you be a yoke on my back. If you plan to be here under my nose I will wash my hands of you.

From your bone weary, but loving mother
#guestfeature #weekly

Weekly Schedule for May 2016

Nominations now open for the weekly features schedule of weekly features from May 1st – May 31st.

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#guestfeature, #schedule, #weekly

Celebrating 400 years of Shakespeare: All The World’s A Stage

It’s Day 3 of Celebrating 400 years of Shakespeare, so this day we will have the grandest and biggest celebrations of this event.

All the World’s a Stage said the literally genius. Well, let’s prove him right, literally.

Share your reviews of modern movies or plays that are an adaptation of Shakespeare’s original work.

Some Suggestions – Ram Leela (2013; Romeo Juliet), Omkara (2006; Othello), Hamlet (2000),  10 Things I Hate About You (1999; The Taming of the Shrew), My Own Private Idaho (1991;Henry IV and Henry V)

Rules –

  1. It is not enough to write and share your own poem or story. Please take out time to read someone else’s too.
  2. Stick to the word limit. That’s the biggest challenge.:)
  3. Please share the word, reblog, share on Facebook and encourage others to participate too.
  4. This event is open to members only.
  5. Please remember to tag the post as #guestfeature and #400yearsofshakespeare.

The event shall run on April 24th from 00:01 hrs to 23:59 hrs GMT .

Look forward to your poems and stories.


Celebrating 400 years of Shakespeare: Poetry in Motion

For Day 2 of Celebrating 400 years of Shakespeare, let us pay tribute in our own unique voices.

There are 2 events that will run all day today:

  • Event 1: Poetry in Motion
    Write a poem inspired from Shakespeare’s work. Use an excerpt from any of his poems, as a prompt and write your own original poem. Word Limit – 100.

    Share the original excerpt and your poem here on the Bloggers World forum.

  • Event 2: Shakespeare and Me

    What impact did Shakespeare leave on you? Did you find your passion for reading after you read or watched one his plays? Do you use his excerpts in your writing? Do you have a childhood memory of reading Macbeth? Or did reading Romeo and Juliet make you believe in love at first sight? Did your grandparents meet and fall in love while rehearsing for A Midsummer Night’s Dream?

    Share a personal story of the impact Shakespeare had on your life. Word Limit – 200-250.

Rules –

  1. The poems and stories need to be published here on the Bloggers’ World forum.
  2. It is not enough to write and share your own poem or story. Please take out time to read someone else’s too.
  3. Stick to the word limit. That’s the biggest challenge.:)
  4. Please share the word, reblog, share on Facebook and encourage others to participate too.
  5. This event is open to members only.
  6. Please remember to tag the post as #guestfeature and #400yearsofshakespeare.

The event shall run on April 23rd from 00:01 hrs to 23:59 hrs GMT .

Look forward to your poems and stories.


When Is Political Correctness Too Much?


Political correctness (adjectivally: politically correct), commonly abbreviated to PC, is a term which, in modern usage, is used to describe language, policies, or measures which are intended not to offend or disadvantage any particular group of people in society. In the media, the term is generally used as a pejorative (expression of contempt or disapproval), implying that these policies are excessive.

I was raised in the last half of the 20th century, a time when some job titles carried gender-specific titles, such as waitress/waiter, actress/actor, stewardess/stewards. At least until the term “political correctness” or PC—seldom used before the 1990s—became popular and the job titles became waitperson, steward, etc. I still don’t know why gender-specific job titles were a problem, but apparently somebody thought they were.

And the PC matter extends not only to gender-specific job titles, but to race, culture, even new grammar rules. I have an increasing objection to the more recent trends affecting our history and heritage. The Southern Cross flag, more commonly (incorrectly) referred to as the Confederate Flag, has been declared politically incorrect as a symbolism of slavery. The Civil War had absolutely nothing to do with slavery. But the flags are being taken down everywhere, and a popular TV show, The Dukes of Hazzard, has become unpopular due to its use of the flag on a car. And all because a gun-obsessed, hate-filled, mentally-ill young white man named Dylann Roof pulled a gun during a prayer meeting at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina in June of 2015 and killed nine black people.

I remember the beginnings of another PC term during the late 1970s when it became politically incorrect to refer to Native Americans as Indians. Now another issue is becoming increasingly contentious — with many claiming the name is racist or discriminatory and pushing for a change; the name of the Washington Redskins football team. What many either don’t know or are ignoring, is that the team name came about to honor a Native American. When Boston received an NFL franchise, they named the team the Boston Braves. In 1933, owner George Preston Marshall changed the name to the Boston Redskins to honor then-coach Lone Star Dietz, an American Sioux. So the name actually pays tribute to a great people. Continue reading

#guestfeature, #weekly